Results for 'Luis Vega and Paula Olmos'

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  1. The Use of the Script Concept in Argumentation Theory.Paula Olmos & Luis Vega - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (4):415-426.
    In recent times, there have been different attempts to make an interesting use of the concept of script (as inherited from the fields of psychology and cognitive sciences) within argumentation theory. Although, in many cases, what we find under this label are computerized routines mainly used in e-learning collaborative proceses involving argumentation, either as an educational means or an educational goal, there are also other studies in which the concept of script plays a more theoretical role as the kind of (...)
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  2. La recepción de Gödel en España.Paula Olmos Gómez & Luis Vega Reñón - 2004 - Endoxa 17:379-416.
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    Luis Vega Reñón & Paula Olmos Gómez. 2011. Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica.Claudio Fuentes Bravo - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (2):345-348.
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    Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica.Luis Vega Reñón & Paula Olmos Gómez (eds.) - 2012 - [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
    Fruto de una convergencia de motivos e intereses procedentes de diversas disciplinas, los estudios sobre la argumentación han adquirido sus propias señas de identidad como conocimiento, análisis y evaluación del discurso argumentativo a través de sus dimensiones o proyecciones lógica, dialéctica, retórica y socio-institucional. La presente obra trata de reunir, precisar y articular las nociones básicas y los conceptos determinantes de los desarrollos que hoy tienen lugar en ese campo. Este Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica se ofrece como una (...)
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    La recepción de Gödel en España.Paula Olmos & Luis Vega - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):379.
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    Vega-Reñón, Luis & Olmos, Paula (eds.). Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica.Juan Felipe González Calderón - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):257-268.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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    Huberto Marraud. 2013. ¿Es lógic@? Análisis y evaluación de argumentos; Luis Vega Reñón. 2013. La fauna de las falacias; Eduardo de Bustos Guadaño. 2014. Metáfora y argumentación: Teoría y práctica. [REVIEW]Paula Olmos - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):445.
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    MARRAUD, Hubert y OLMOS, Paula (eds.): De la demostración a la Argumentación. Ensayos en honor de Luis Vega, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 2015, 246p. [REVIEW]Javier Vilanova Arias - 2017 - Agora 36 (1).
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    Vega-Reñón, Luis & Olmos, Paula.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151).
  10.  47
    La suerte de la lógica en la “Escuela de Madrid”: notas sobre una desgracia.Luis Vega Reñón - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (1):33-58.
    The decisive role played by Ortega and his “School of Madrid” in modernizing the 20th century Spanish thinking is widely accepted, but their contribution to bring our logic up to day was rather unfortunate: far from backing the introduction or reception of modern logic, the “School of Madrid” attempted an alternative logic, the so-called ‘logic of vital reason’, non-viable. As it is a symptomatic failure, I’ll give a broader account of it starting from, and going through, a confrontation in this (...)
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  11. Pensar por sistemas y pensar por ideas a tener en cuenta. Unas notas a propósito de Giving Reasons. A linguistic-pragmaticapproach to Argumentation Theory.Luis Vega Reñón - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):321-327.
    RESUMEN: Giving Reasons pretende ofrecer una aproximación no solo precisa, sino comprensiva, a una teoría sistemática de la argumentación. A la luz de una distinción de Vaz Ferreira entre «pensar por sistemas» y «pensar por ideas a tener en cuenta», me gustaría hacer unas observaciones para complementar y, digamos, “abrir” la incipiente clausura teórica del sistema lingüístico-pragmático de Giving Reasons. Voy a considerar dos casos en particular: el tratamiento del concepto mismo de argumentación y la conversión del principio de cooperación (...)
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  12. Modal indefinites.Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):1-31.
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish algún with indefinites like German irgendein or Italian uno qualsiasi. While irgendein-type indefinites trigger a Free Choice effect (Kratzer and Shimoyama 2002; Chierchia 2006), algún simply signals that at least two individuals in its domain are possibilities. Additionally, algún, but not irgendein, can convey that the speaker does not know how many individuals satisfy the existential claim in the (...)
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  13.  17
    Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses.Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Paula Menéndez-Benito & Aynat Rubinstein - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (2):135-176.
    How do modal expressions determine which possibilities they range over? According to the Modal Anchor Hypothesis (Kratzer in _The language-cognition interface: Actes du 19_ _e_ _congrès international des linguistes_, Libraire Droz, Genève, 179–199, 2013 ), modal expressions determine their domain of quantification from particulars (events, situations, or individuals). This paper presents novel evidence for this hypothesis, focusing on a class of Spanish relative clauses that host verbs inflected in the subjunctive. Subjunctive in Romance is standardly taken to be licensed only (...)
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  14. Situated practices of testimony. A rhetorical approach.Paula Olmos - 2008 - Theoria 23 (1):57-68.
    Contrary to most current epistemologists who concentrate on core cases of rather ‘spontaneous’ trust and belief in the face of assertions, Classical rhetoricians addressed the study of ‘testimony’ as an two-acts phenomenon: that of the ‘disclosure’ of information and that of the ‘appeal’ to its authority in subsequent discursive practices. Moreover, they primarily focused on this second phase as they assumed that it was such argumentative setting that finally gave ‘testimonial’ relevance to the first act. According to this ‘rhetorical’ model, (...)
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    That Obscure Object of (Philosophical) Desire.Paula Olmos - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):560-573.
    This paper is a response to H. Siegel’s “Arguing with Arguments” from a rhetorical perspective on argumentation. First I address Siegel’s concept of ‘argument in its abstract propositional sense’ and attempt to show that it is not at all an obvious object that should unquestionably be the privileged focus of argumentation theory. I then defend C. W. Tindale’s rhetorical perspective on argumentation against some of Siegel’s misreadings and also some of his legitimate disagreements regarding the relations between _persuasion_ and _rational_ (...)
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    Two literary encyclopaedias from Late Antiquity.Paula Olmos - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):284-292.
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    Revisiting Accounts of Narrative Explanation in the Sciences: Some Clarifications from Contemporary Argumentation Theory.Paula Olmos - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (4):449-465.
    The topic of the presence, legitimacy and epistemic worth of narrative explanations in different kinds of scientific discourse has already enjoyed several revivals within related discussions in contemporary philosophy of science. In fact, we have recently witnessed a more extensive, more unprejudiced and ambitious attention to narrative modes of making science. I think we need a systematic theoretical framework in order to categorize these different functions of narratives and understand their role in scientific explanatory and justificatory practice. My claim is (...)
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    Postural Stability and Cognitive Performance of Subjects With Parkinson’s Disease During a Dual-Task in an Upright Stance.Luis Morenilla, Gonzalo Márquez, José Andrés Sánchez, Olalla Bello, Virginia López-Alonso, Helena Fernández-Lago & Miguel Ángel Fernández-del-Olmo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Making it Public: Testimony and Socially Sanctioned Common Grounds.Paula Olmos - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (2):211-227.
    Contrary to current individualistic epistemology, Classical rhetoric provides us with a pragmatical and particularly dynamic conception of ‘testimony’ as a source made available for the orator by the particular community in which she acts. In order to count as usable testimony, a testimony to which one could appeal in further communications, any discourse must comply with specific rules of social sanction. A deliberate attention to the social practices in which testimony is given and assessed may offer us a more accurate (...)
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    Surface features can deeply affect artificial grammar learning.Luis Jiménez, Helena Mendes Oliveira & Ana Paula Soares - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102919.
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    What Do We Mean by ‘That’s a Fallacious Narrative’?Paula Olmos - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (2):307-321.
    This paper tries to offer a descriptive account of the normative workings of evaluative fallacy charges directed to narratives. In order to do that, I first defend the continuity and mutual dependence, as based on a dynamical conception of argument, between the ‘belief conception’ and the ‘argumentative conception’ of fallacy. Then, I construe a catalogue of ‘fallacy charges’ based on both such a continuity and the variety of counterarguments explored by the theoretical framework of Argument Dialectics. And finally, I apply (...)
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    Demostraciones clásicas.Luis Vega - 1995 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 10 (3):79-101.
    Let’s agree in calling “classical demonstration” a deduction that enables us to know the rational necessity that something is the case and cannot be otherwise. I propose to take seriously actual instances of this notion, e.g. some mathematical proofs, and explore certain discoursive and epistemic implications of their existence. Then I will look at questions about characterizing, rigorizing and acknowledging this kind of conclusive proof. Finally, some remarks on the meaning of Provability Logic in this context will be made.
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    The Madrid Qumran Congress: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Madrid, 18-21 March, 1991, Vols. 1 and 2. [REVIEW]John Kampen, Julio Trebolle Barrera & Luis Vegas Montaner - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):140.
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  24. Reflexiones sobre gubernamentalidad y biopolítica a través de la educación en Colombia.Luis Felipe Vega - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9:41-58.
    The text attempts to look upon globalization in the education as a problem, referring to the governmental strategy that guaranties the control and the social development beginning from a modernization project that is not determined. Therefore, when taking into account as a frame of reference the centuries XIX and XX, it is shown the ‘education role’ as a control mechanism in permanent relation with the public politics and it is questioned its apparent liberal character.
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  25. Verdad y atención al enfermo terminal.Luís G. Soto & Carlos Sánchez Fernández de la Vega - 2013 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 38 (1):139-158.
    The aim of this text is to examine the issue of truth telling in doctor-patient relationships, namely in the case of terminal patients. We analyze the problems and attitudes regarding truth telling that there are present when patients suffer from mortal diseases. We conclude that it is very important to keep a fluent and truthful communication in the doctor-patient relationship. We also examine and stress the role that general practitioners can play in the care of terminal patients at their home (...)
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    Delving into Android Malware Families with a Novel Neural Projection Method.Rafael Vega Vega, Héctor Quintián, Carlos Cambra, Nuño Basurto, Álvaro Herrero & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    Present research proposes the application of unsupervised and supervised machine-learning techniques to characterize Android malware families. More precisely, a novel unsupervised neural-projection method for dimensionality-reduction, namely, Beta Hebbian Learning, is applied to visually analyze such malware. Additionally, well-known supervised Decision Trees are also applied for the first time in order to improve characterization of such families and compare the original features that are identified as the most important ones. The proposed techniques are validated when facing real-life Android malware data by (...)
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    El arte del discurso público. Una invitación a la Retórica de Aristóteles.Luis Vega Reñón - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:11-25.
    I propose to read Rhetoric as a presentation of the art of public discourse. I believe that in this sense its conception rests on three capital ideas, namely rhetoric is an antistrophos to dialectic; its function is not to persuade but to contemplate the available means of persuasion in each case; rhetoric is like some offshoot of dialectic and of ethical study which is rightly called politics. and vindicate the condition and quality of rhetoric as a fully entitled art of (...)
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    (1 other version)La historia de la lógica como Una historia Por hacer.Luis Vega - 1986 - Theoria 1 (3):719-748.
    The main aims of this paper are two: first, to show that the current situation of History of Logic is far from being satisfactory, and second, to put forward a programme for its improvement. To this end it is as well, I think, to take into account a new conceptual and historiographical approach to growth of Iogic as a discipline, some basic notions in this regard -e.g., the notion of being a contribution to develop ment of Iogic-, and some others (...)
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  29. Generalized externality games.Paula Corcho & José Luis Ferreira - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (2):163-184.
    Externality games are studied in Grafe et al. (1998, Math. Methods Op. Res. 48, 71). We define a generalization of this class of games and show, using the methodology in Izquierdo and Rafels (1996, 2001, Working paper, Univ Barcelona; Games Econ. Behav. 36, 174), some properties of the new class of generalized externality games. They include, among others, the algebraic structure of the game, convexity, and their implications for the study of cooperative solutions. Also the proportional rule is characterized for (...)
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    (1 other version)Abduction and comparative weighing of explanatory hypotheses: an argumentative approach.Paula Olmos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper makes use of the concepts and theoretical framework developed within the field of Argumentation Theory to account for the structure and characteristics of abduction and of the comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis. It elaborates an analysis of abduction based on its consideration as a meta-explanatory argumentation scheme while elucidating its relations with abductive reasoning and inference. The conceptualization of comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis as complex and varied argumentative structures is presented as an alternative to the (...)
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    The Social Nature of Argumentative Practices: The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception.Paula Olmos - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (1):151-183.
    This article reviews Christopher W. Tindale’s The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception.
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    Metaphilosophy and Argument: The Case of the Justification of Abduction.Paula Olmos - 2021 - Informal Logic 41 (2):131-164.
    This paper is an essay on metaphilosophy that reviews, describes, categorises, and discusses different ways philosophers have approached the justification of abduction as a mode of reasoning and arguing. Advocating an argumentative approach to abduction, I model the philosophical debate over its justification as the critical assessment of a warrant-establishing argument allowing “H explains D” to be used as a reason for “H can be inferred from D.” Philosophers have discussed the conditions under which such kind of generic argument can (...)
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    Sciences, N egotia and domestic conversations: Pedro Simón abril's conception of logic in its renaissance context.Paula Olmos - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (4):481-497.
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  34. On Thought Experiments and Other Narratives in Scientific Argument.Paula Olmos - 2017 - In Narration as Argument. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Zubiri y Heidegger como intérpretes del origen del lenguaje desde el Chaos y lo estético: el Poema de Parménides.Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, Luis Mizón & Paula Ascorra - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):173-181.
    More than a discourse about the truth, in the origin of language has been present a tell that produces sense for man to inhabit the world from chaos, from the darkness, from the reality. This article explores essential aspects about the birth of language and aesthetic production that configures certain forms to say they are more appropriate than others to express a say originating. To do this, a rereading of the Poem of Parmenides and the Myth of Babel to be (...)
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    Editorial: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Psychological and Behavioral Consequences of Confinement on Physical Activity, Sedentarism, and Rehabilitation.Luis Mochizuki, Michael Brach, Pedro L. Almeida, Ricardo De La Vega, Mauricio Garzon, Julia Maria D'Andrea Greve & Margarita Limon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Aristotle's Endoxa and Plausible Argumentation.Luis Vega Renon - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (1):95-113.
    Aristotle's conception and use of ta endoxa are key points to our understanding of Aristotelian dialectic. But, nowadays, they are not of historical or hermeneutic importance alone, as, in Aristotle's treatment of endoxa, we still see a relevant contribution to the modern study of argumentation. I propose here an interpretation of endoxa to that effect: namely, as plausible propositions. This version is not only defensible in the Aristotelian context, it may also shed new light on some of his assumptions and (...)
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    Application of Supervised Machine Learning for Behavioral Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Electrodermal Activity and Virtual Reality.Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Javier Marín-Morales, Juan L. Higuera-Trujillo, Elena Olmos, Maria E. Minissi, Gonzalo Teruel Garcia, Marian Sirera & Luis Abad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Factor Structure and Internal Consistency on a Reduced Version of the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure.Luis Carlos Jaume, Christian Schetsche, Marcelo Agustín Roca & Paula Quattrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The need for cognitive closure is a construct postulated by Kruglanski that explains the motivational aspects which influence decision-making and its impact on the social environment. Initially, it was assessed through a unidimensional scale, later criticized for its poor satisfactory reliability and validity. Regarding these criticisms, Pierro and Kruglanski developed a new 14-item scale to measure two dimensions, which were not previously evaluated: urgency tendency and permanence tendency. Although the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure is more economical in (...)
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    Not All Words Are Equally Acquired: Transitional Probabilities and Instructions Affect the Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Margarida Vasconcelos, Helena M. Oliveira, David Tomé & Luis Jiménez - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Hybrid Intelligent Model to Predict the Remifentanil Infusion Rate in Patients Under General Anesthesia.Esteban Jove, Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, Juan Albino Méndez Pérez, Rafael Vega Vega, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Francisco Javier de Cos Juez, Ana León, María MartÍn, José A. Reboso, Michał Woźniak & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):193-206.
    Automatic control of physiological variables is one of the most active areas in biomedical engineering. This paper is centered in the prediction of the analgesic variables evolution in patients undergoing surgery. The proposal is based on the use of hybrid intelligent modelling methods. The study considers the Analgesia Nociception Index to assess the pain in the patient and remifentanil as intravenous analgesic. The model proposed is able to make a one-step-ahead prediction of the remifentanil dose corresponding to the current state (...)
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  42. Diversity regained: Precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment.Marco P. Vianna Franco, Orsolya Molnár, Christian Dorninger, Alice Laciny, Marco Treven, Jacob Weger, Eduardo da Motta E. Albuquerque, Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, Luis-Alejandro Villanueva Hernandez, Manuel Jakab, Christine Marizzi, Lumila Paula Menéndez, Luana Poliseli, Hernán Bobadilla Rodríguez & Guido Caniglia - 2022 - Science of the Total Environment 825:154029.
    As COVID-19 emerged as a phenomenon of the total environment, and despite the intertwined and complex relationships that make humanity an organic part of the Bio- and Geospheres, the majority of our responses to it have been corrective in character, with few or no consideration for unintended consequences which bring about further vulnerability to unanticipated global events. Tackling COVID-19 entails a systemic and precautionary approach to human-nature relations, which we frame as regaining diversity in the Geo-, Bio-, and Anthropospheres. Its (...)
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    Learning Words While Listening to Syllables: Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning in Children and Adults.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Alexandrina Lages, Helena M. Oliveira, Margarida Vasconcelos & Luis Jiménez - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    From an early age, exposure to a spoken language has allowed us to implicitly capture the structure underlying the succession of speech sounds in that language and to segment it into meaningful units. Statistical learning, the ability to pick up patterns in the sensory environment without intention or reinforcement, is thus assumed to play a central role in the acquisition of the rule-governed aspects of language, including the discovery of word boundaries in the continuous acoustic stream. Although extensive evidence has (...)
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    Developing a digital platform for community-led initiatives: from local agents′ needs to interface design.Oksana Tymoshchuk, Maria João Antunes, Ana Margarida Almeida, Paula Alexandra Silva, Luís Pedro & Fernando Ramos - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    To identify how digital media are being used by community-led initiatives of the Centro Region of Portugal, and to identify the requirements that a digital platform for mediation between agents in the territory should have, two focus groups were conducted, involving six small-sized community-led initiatives and six larger-sized community-led initiatives. This article details the results of these focus groups, according to the following main categories: use of existing communication and mediation tools; the purpose of use of digital tools; type of (...)
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    Moderation-Mediation Effects in Bilingualism and Cognitive Reserve.Roberto R. Heredia, Angélique M. Blackburn & Luis A. Vega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Orff-Based Music Training Enhances Children’s Manual Dexterity and Bimanual Coordination.Marta Martins, Leonor Neves, Paula Rodrigues, Olga Vasconcelos & São Luís Castro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La estela del debate sobre la esclavitud de los indios americanos en Lope, Tirso y Calderón.Luis Perdices de Blas & José Luis Ramos Gorostiza - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):475-487.
    There are numerous studies that, from different perspectives, have dealt with the debate held in the Spanish Empire during the 16th century on the slavery of the American Indians, starring –among others– by Francisco de Vitoria and his disciples from the School of Salamanca, and also –outside the academic sphere– by Fray Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda. The purpose of this work is to study whether this debate made its mark in Spanish society. For this, it (...)
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    (1 other version)Traços Fenomenológicos No Pensamento Jurídico De Luís Cabral De Moncada.Ana Paula Loureiro de Sousa - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):53-70.
    In this paper I explain the impact of phenomenological philosophy in the conceptions of Luís Cabral de Mancada about law and juridical experience. Stressing that Moncada was the first scholar in Portugal who made an extensive use of phenomenological doctrines within his own field of research, I show that Husserl, Hartmann, and Scheler were the most influential thinkers for him. As a matter of fact, they had a positive impact on Moncada’s conceptions about Law, the axiological realm, the State, and (...)
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  49. Situated practices of testimony: a rhetorical approach.Paula Olmos Gómez - 2008 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (1):57-68.
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    COVID-19 and Quarantine: Expanding Understanding of How to Stay Physically Active at Home.Alberto Souza Sá Filho, Thiago Gottgtroy Miranda, Carolina Cavalcante de Paula, Silvio Roberto Barsanulfo, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Claudio Imperatori, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Sandra Amatriain Fernández, Henning Budde & Sergio Machado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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